Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Ethics of Birth Control - Free Essay Example

On 30 June 2014, the large family-owned corporation Hobby Lobby won a Supreme Court case allowing the company to no longer provide four forms of contraceptive to its nearly 28,000 employees. Citing that the companys religion believed that the four of the prescribed contraceptives set forth by the Affordable Care Act (ACA)was abortion, not a contraceptive. In this paper, I will discuss the following. One persons religious views should not hinder other views, contraceptives keep employees at work along with longevity, and determining what to stand up for exemplifies ethics. The major corporation Hobby Lobby believed that the ACA was infringing on their religious rights when told to supply female employees with contraceptives. The company had six contraceptives to chose from but believed four of the six were more abortion then contraceptive and declined to pay for such contraceptives. The problem was Hobby Lobby had simply imposed its religious view on the employees of the company. Religion seems to do this a lot and hides behind the freedom of religion in the 1st amendment. People practice religion, and this is not a fight on religion this a fight on taking away a personal right under the ACA because of your beliefs. â€Å"Hobby Lobby decided that two versions of the â€Å"morning-after pill† and two kinds of intrauterine devices (IUDs)—are â€Å"abortifacients.† In other words, the owners of Hobby Lobby think these contraceptives end pregnancies rather than prevent them. And they believe that is tantamount to ending a life.† (Gunter, 2014) If a woman wants to use an IUD, then why should her employer decide a contraceptive, is it because the CEO’s ethics don’t align directly with the employees? Ethics and morals are based on an individual, not on a mass, not everyone is the same morally or ethically. Hobby lobby employs around 28,000 employees. (Burell V, Hobby Lobby, Landmark Supreme Court Case, n.d.) When the decision came to stop certain contraceptives not all, it could be more from a business standpoint than an ethical standpoint. Hobby Lobby does not offer a maternity leave program, so if a long-time employee becomes pregnant this allows the corporation to hire a new employee or a temporary employee at a lower starting wage. The retail world is a revolving door of employed young people and those young people have sex, providing employees with contraceptives allows less time training new employees and more time gaining their trust that a company will take care of them, boosting longevity and employee satisfaction in their job. After all, if you want your workers pregnant, certainly youd be willing to join the rest of the industrialized world by paying for the mothers eight or so weeks with her newborn. Certainly, Hobby Lobby CEO and founder David Green whose net worth is nort h of $5 billion could afford to offer paid maternity leave. (Show, 2014) From a business standpoint this choice by the CEO is ethical but from a human aspect this should be deemed unethical, as a Christian based company, employees should be more important than money. Ethics is defined as â€Å"moral principles that govern a persons behavior or the conducting of an activity† If a person’s personal morals tell them what they are doing is right then a person will be hard pressed to waiver. The CEO of Hobby Lobby decided that he was going to fight for what he thought was ethically right. By taking what was thought to be trivial by some corporations Hobby Lobby stood by their ethics all the way to the Supreme Court. CEO David Green was not looking to abolish all contraceptives from employees, just the ones that were considered abortion more than contraceptive, such as the Plan B pill. Hobby Lobby would still offer standard birth control pills and even vasectomies for male employees under ACA. Hobby Lobby could have decided that dropping the ACA and paying the fine to the government but that too put Green into an Ethical dilemma, if the court would have forced him to drop the ACA then the care that Green shows for his employees would have faltered. Hobby Lobby feels committed to care for their employees and live out their faith in their business. In any event, it’s strange that anyone would argue that Hobby Lobby’s employees would be better off by losing their generous health care benefits, which already cover most drugs and devices mandated by the ACA. (Burell V, Hobby Lobby, Landmark Supreme Court Case, n.d.) In conclusion, I actually understand what Hobby Lobby did, from a business and an ethical standpoint it made sense. Contraceptives are still covered under the ACA, just not all six. If a person wants additional contraceptives, they still have a job and need to prioritize if they really need an additional contraceptive. Although the CEO chose his ethics over some employees, he is still the CEO and still afforded employees contraceptives. Although Hobby Lobby has no paid Maternity leave, employees are allowed to return to work after 12 weeks, so knowing that a job is waiting after giving birth is nice, employees relies that if a CEO will stand up to the government about contraceptives then perhaps the company is family oriented, they just have different ethics. CEO David Green stood up for what he believed in and won, against the supreme court, though I could not find a number on what his lawyer fees were, I would guess they are hefty. I dont believe the money mattered to Green, he was doing what thought best for his employees and his personal morals. References Burell V, Hobby Lobby, Landmark Supreme Court Case. (n.d.). Retrieved from hobbylobbycase.com/faq: https://hobbylobbycase.com/faq/ Gunter, J. (2014, July 06). The Medical Facts About Birth Control and Hobby Lobby—From an OB/GYN. Retrieved from newrepublic.com: https://newrepublic.com/article/118547/facts-about-birth-control-and-hobby-lobby-ob-gyn Show, D. (2014, June 24). Busted! Hobby Lobby Doesn’t Offer Paid Maternity Leave. Retrieved from davidfeldmanshow: https://davidfeldmanshow.com/busted-hobby-lobby-doesnt-offer-paid-maternity-leave-employees-even-though-hobby-lobby-wont-pay-contraception/

Monday, May 18, 2020

List of Halogens (Element Groups)

The halogen elements are located in group VIIA of the periodic table, which is the second-to-last column of the chart. This is a list of elements that belong to the halogen group and the properties that they share in common: Types of Halogens Depending on who you ask, there are either 5 or 6 halogens. Fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine definitely are halogens. Element 117, which has the placeholder name of ununseptium, might have some properties in common with the other elements. Even though it is in the same column or group of the periodic table with the other halogens, most scientists believe element 117 will behave more like a metalloid. So little of it has been produced, its a matter of prediction, not empirical data. FluorineChlorineBromineIodineAstatineTennessine (might behave as a halogen, at least in some respects) Halogen Properties These elements share some common properties that distinguish them from other elements on the periodic table. They are highly reactive nonmetals.Atoms of belonging to the halogen group have 7 electrons in their outermost (valence) shell. These atoms need one more electron in order to have a stable octet.Halogens are highly electronegative, with high electron affinities.The melting and boiling points of the halogens increase as you increase atomic number (as you move down the periodic table).The elements change their state of matter at room temperature and pressure as you increase atomic number. Fluorine and chlorine are gases. Bromine is a liquid element. Iodine is a solid. Scientists predict tennessine will be a solid at room temperature.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Disruptive School Students - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 271 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/09/15 Category Advertising Essay Topics: School Essay Did you like this example? Disruptive school students have a negative influence on others. Students who are noisy and disobedient should be grouped together and taught separately. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Answer It is generally accepted that some student making noisy and behave badly cause trouble and get effect negative in the class for others. As a result teacher and other students find difficulties to continue study with them. However, it seems to me that it is not a best solution to take these students out and grouped them for studying separately. If we do so, they are less likely to be considered as a good person in their future life and hardly recover from that bad reputation. Moreover, they are only limited to meet only friends having such bad behaviour and their mentality tends to become worse by copying each other. This can then also cause the problems for the society. We should find out their back ground reasons for doing so. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Disruptive School Students" essay for you Create order Perhaps their parents are divorced and this unfortunate family problem affects their mentality. Perhaps they need more attention from others in some ways. In addition, teacher or teaching method couldn’t motivate them while the lessons are boring. Some people argue that they should learn to put up with the boring environment and need to consider for the normal students who are being disrupted. Having discussed above situations, we should try to find out either a suitable class room management or a way of consultation for them to solve this problem rather than taught them separately.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Attachment Theory And Argument - 866 Words

from a family member. Savage (2008) alludes to the attachment theory and argument that suggests that a supportive family enhances a student’s ability to handle difficult life transitions. For first generation college students, it may be important to include parental involvement as a means of trying to mediate between the different expectancies students may experience in their home lives from parents and family members who do not relate to the college experience and the demands placed on them to assimilate to their college peer groups (Haiso, 1992). Various student outcomes that are enforced by student and faculty interaction have been identified by studies conducted by Pascarella and Terenzini, varying from subject matter competence, cognitive skill and intellectual growth, attitudes and values, educational attainment, and career and choice development (Kim Sax, 2009). Light (2004) states findings in his book that students who are the happiest and grow the most academically organized time to participate in activities with faculty members. For this reason, many programs incorporate parental involvement in the process in addition to working towards fostering relationships between students and on campus mentors (Kezar, 2000). Cuseo (2008) points out that students who lack â€Å"personal and meaningful† contact on campus can have feelings of marginalization and separation, and suggest that promotion of student faculty interaction will help students to feel a psychologicalShow MoreRelatedAttachment Theory1566 Words   |   7 PagesAttachment Theory John Bowlby was a psychoanalyst and has developed his knowledge and understanding into the theory of Attachment. Bowlby believed that children have been born programmed to form attachments which will help them survive; this is known as evolutionary attachments. 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His theory has influenced practice in settings globally and has also influenced other theories and experimentsRead MoreAdult And Early Intimate Partner Violence1586 Words   |  7 Pagesbegin with a brief overview of attachment theory in adults and early intimate partner violence (IPV) research. After discussing this I will evaluate more research on different topics related to issues raised previously which include controlled studies, female violence, homosexual violence, the role of the victim and finally predictive research. These topics are the focus of this essays understanding of the different ways in which we understand IPV. Attachment theory was originally proposed by BowlbyRead MoreThe Theory And Social Control Theory1106 Words   |  5 Pagescontrol perspective on juvenile delinquency. In his groundbreaking work, Causes of Delinquency, he argued out that an explanation for delinquency can be achieved by absence of social bonds. 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Erikson.   I couldn t help but reminisce about the stages of my own children’s  growth while reading the work of Bowlby, Ainsworth and Erikson.   I remember having my  young children with me when ever it was possible, but what attachments to them might I have  missed while I  was busyRead MoreThe Core Tenets Of Social Defense Theory Essay1156 Words   |  5 PagesAbstract Despite its roots in evolutionary theory, attachment theory has long split itself into two factions: adaptive and maladaptive. For years, insecure attachment has been implicated as one of the root causes for a number of psychological concerns (Dozier, Stovall-McClough, Albus, 2008). 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Nursing Assessment And Comprehensive Post Operative...

Hip fractures are one of the most common causes of extended hospital stay among the elderly, and approximately one third of patients undergoing hip arthroplasty surgery will die within the first year (Gregersen et al., 2012). The specialised nature of the orthopaedic ward is a complex environment for not only nurses, but for all health care professionals. It is the role of the registered nurse within the orthopaedic ward to provide holistic assessment and comprehensive post-operative planning to facilitate client centred care for an elderly patient undergoing a total hip arthroplasty (Walker, 2012). The purpose of this essay is to identify and prioritise appropriate nursing assessments and care provided for an elderly man (Mr. Simons) transferred to the Orthopaedic ward from the Emergency Department via operating theatres. The discussion will initially consider the environment of the orthopaedic ward and the role that the nurse must assume to provide high quality care. Focusing brief ly on the ageing population and the impact that hospitalisation has on the elderly, the essay will then rationalise and prioritise current nursing assessments considering the primary and secondary assessment strategy and consideration of major body systems. Moreover, the discussion will detail and rationalise the appropriate management of patient safety, comfort and communication with substantiated planning of care by the registered nurse in the first eight hours of stay. The post-operative care

city Teachers Essay Example For Students

city Teachers: Essay Preston Portee 27 February 2002 Rousmaniere, Kate city Teachers: Essay Teaching and School Reform in Historical Perspective New York: Teachers College Press. 1997 This book is very greatly written. The book gives many insights into teachers lives and work during the third decade of the twentieth century. The main focus of this book is about New York teachers, although the author does give information on teachers elsewhere. The book answers many question but it also leaves you with many questions that were not answered. I will try to identify areas in which this book advances our understanding of these issues, and problems or limitations in its discussion of them. Rousmaniere arguments in the book were that the work of teachers changed following the First World. The reason why was because of efficiency-minded administrative practices and the emergence of a social competence program in New Yorks public schools. She use information from the interviews with 21 former teachers and other sources to conclude that the work of teachers intensified as new tasks were assigned to them. She also suggested that their working conditions weaken in other ways. She also argued that teaching began to hold stable profession for women, but it also became more difficult and less fulfilling. The book notes that many of the circumstances which affected teachers at that time had existed earlier too. The administrative concerns with effectiveness and stability had been a problem in New York and other places since the 1920s. Rousmaniere gives evidence that during the opening decades of the twentieth century, teachers were affected by major curricular changes. Teacher that are in the twenties appear to have worked within a bureaucratic, differentiated modern school system quite similar to those that had evolved in a number of cities since the latter nineteenth century. Rousmaniere documented reactions of teachers to urban school life in the twenties. She identified social efficiency with the growing array of new tasks for teachers. She also notes that most teachers probably ignored curricular reform efforts, whether in the twenties or earlier. The book describes the great amount of paperwork city teachers were required to do. The lives of New Yorks teachers in the early twentieth century seem to be similar to those of todays teachers. She also talks about the condition of the city schools. She basically says that the workplace condition effect the teachers. But I dont think that is a good reason because if a teacher really was focus on teaching students then it wouldnt matter. Other parts of the book raise interesting questions, but do not provide fully developed answers. She mentions a survey but do not provide details about the findings. She talks about the policy on married teachers in New York but do not fully explore the effect of such a policy at the time. She does not give ages or ethnic compositions of the teachers. In the end, it is like she wants to suggest that teachers had hard times in New York in the early twentieth century. The historical reality of teachers lives in this era was complex, and different types of education identify the factors that affected their work and their behavior. I recommend undergraduate teaching to read this book. May students will find it easily reached and inspiring. Bibliography none .

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Of Mice And Men Persuasive Essay Example For Students

Of Mice And Men Persuasive Essay The scene that was most memorable to me in this play was when Lenny and Curley`swife shared a conversation while the others were away. It started with Lennymoping around about the rabbit he had killed and then Curley`s wife joinedhim. This scene ended in a surprising way, but in my opinion many interestingthings were discussed about the concept of life. I was extremely surprised withthe ending of this scene because when the conversation began I predicted that itwas the start to a close relationship between the two of them. During thisconversation they discussed issues such as life and dreams. At first Lennyrefused to open-up. George says I aint to have nothing to do withyou-talk to you or nothing. He was very reluctant to talk to her orshare anything with her. She was the complete opposite. Curleys wife waslooking for someone to talk to. As the scene continued, Lenny relaxed and wasable to talk and listen to her. Curleys wife began by asking Lennyquestions. As she continued walls w ere torn down and she was able to get closerto him. Then she told him about her life. I get lonely K.. You can talkto people, but I can`t talk to nobody but Curley. Else he gets mad. How`d youlike to not talk to anybody? It was hard for Curley`s wife to get Lennyto talk but eventually he told her about his rabbit and other things about hislife. We gonna have a little place-an rabbits. In the end Lennybecame overly excited and ended up killing Curleys wife. From this, Igathered that Lenny had never been so close to anyone, especially anyone of thisopposite sex. This gave him such a great feeling that he did not know how todeal with it. The moment he felt Curleys wife moving away, he acted on hisinner feelings and he was frightened. The scene portrayed a good example of theinteraction of two complete strangers, it was interesting to see how they sharedthings and opened up to each other. Part Two: This scene is related to the themein different ways. I think that it incorporates thr ee main aspects of the theme. It is related to belonging, loneliness and dreams. All three of these are activeissues in society today. In this scene, Lenny and Curleys wife were able todiscuss and show the audience how the theme tied in. When the two of thesecharacters started talking to each other, they were both lonely. Curleyswife did not have anyone to talk to, and Lenny had George as a friend but I donot think it was the type of companion that he needed. In this case the theme ofloneliness was brought forth. At first the two of them were lonely and deepwithin both of them wanted someone to talk to. When the two of these charactersbegan talking, they were given a sense of belonging. Lenny was able to feel thefeeling of trust and he was able to learn how to listen to someone. It was notsomething he was used to. He was used to listening to George, but often it wascommands and rules. Curleys wife was used to listening to Curley, and shewas not really able to say what she wanted to do. I thought it was good for b othof these characters to be able to feel what it is like to have someone care andtalk to. This scene subtly touches the theme of dreams. They discussed dreamsthat both of them had, and were in a way able to bring them alive by talking andembellishing about them. In todays society it is important to feel wanted. Iraq and united states EssayWords/ Pages : 692 / 24